Cameroon: On Kamto and the Bamileke's “Derangement Syndrome“

CAMEROUN :: Cameroon: On Kamto and the Bamileke's “Derangement Syndrome“

Frank Bafeli’s recent article titled, “Le Pr. Maurice Kamto sur le viseurs du prefet des Hauts Plateaux” is another testimony of the “kamto’s derangement syndrome” in Cameroon. A conditioned reflex which has already claimed the scalp of the like of Mathias Owona Nguini one of the Biya’s regime foremost ideologue.

We need to begin by noting that the prefet’s argument against Prof. Kamto was also an argument against diversity and the diverse perspectives in the presidential race, or an argument for the merits of the individual candidate, but an effort to sell that the proliferation of the “Bamileke” presidential candidate and the notion that, just by being Bamileke, these people were bringing “division” into the presidential race.

Leaving aside the argument that by interfering into the presidential race, the prefet is overstepping his authority and he is in total and flagrant dereliction of duties by openly flag-waving for the Biya’s regime, the truth is that Cameroon never had a Bamileke president, how does the prefet know that by running for president the Bamileke candidates are sowing division into the country?

The fact that many Bamilekes ran for the presidential office before and that did not lead to civil war, on what basis the prefet can argue that they are sowing division? The only answer is that the prefet is gaslighting, which is finding a target, forcing a toxic narrative on the people and forcing them to choose sides through enforced loyalty, intimidation and threats. Thus, in this vile tactic, he sees tribes and tribal men but fail to see bamileke people as Cameroonian citizens and as citizen, bamileke have the right to run for president like any other Cameroonian citizen.

Thus, what we indeed witness is “hate speech” masquerading as “saving democracy and preserving the peace.” The prefet should at least be reprimanded by his hierarchy but that does not seem to be in the cards since the regime in place thrives on the manipulation and exploitation of tribalism. More, instead of attacking the mechanic of the gigantic infrastructure producing inequality, tribalism has become a commodity with a sense of entitlement.

A worldview where some tribes are entitled to power and others are not is a recipe for disaster because it creates a de facto second-class citizenship and refuses to extend freedom and dignity to all.
Thus, the central question becomes how to eliminate tribalism, which has no biological basis out of politics in Cameroon?

Do not laugh at tribal, racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic and other stereotypical jokes or assumptions. By laughing, you are acknowledging the joke is.
Second, people need to understand and recognize their own privilege. In addition, how that understanding is crucial to dismantle institutional discrimination by tackling the link between power, privilege and discrimination and breaking up our unhealthy dependency on corrupt and rotten institutions.

The Committee For The Release of Political Prisoners (CL2P)

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